When we're in porn addiction recovery; trying to heal from betrayal trauma; or yearning to mend our marriage—it's SO easy to get STUCK! It can be a negative, hame-based mindset; trapped on an endless rollercoaster of dark emotions; feeling like your relationship is going nowhere or just downward! In this episode, Mark and Steve get real about their own personal experiences with being STUCK and STAGNATING in recovery; stuck in negative thinking; in anger, bitterness and resentments; in hopelessness or apathy; and stuck in a relationship rut! Allowing yourself to stay stuck is really just a "slow emotional death;" it's "eventual destruction by default;" it's really a state of being "damned"! The solution is to be willing and daring enough to start facing and asking the HARD QUESTIONS and then making a CHOICE to starting moving in a direction—ANY direction! From that place, ANYTHING is possible!
Learn more about Mark and Steve's new online program—"Dare to Connect!" You have live access to Mark and Steve three times a week--addicts, spouses and couples! Visit—daretoconnectnow.com Find out more about Steve Moore at: Ascension Counseling
Learn more about Mark Kastleman at: Reclaim Counseling Services Here's an article that can help you in recovery from Porn Addiction—https://www.reclaimcounselingservices.com/post/what-got-you-into-your-porn-addiction-can-help-get-you-out If you're a spouse suffering in Betrayal Trauma, this article can help—https://www.reclaimcounselingservices.com/post/why-would-your-husband-who-loves-you-gaslight-you Trying to heal your marriage relationship? Check out this article—https://www.reclaimcounselingservices.com/post/do-sexual-entitlement-and-a-healthy-marriage-go-together